
Anja Meixner was born 1966 in Würzburg, Germany. Meixner is living with her son alternately in Würzburg and Cologne, Germany, and in Sydney, Australia.

Short Biography

Already during her studies at Cologne university Meixner discovered the media “film” and “photography”, stimulated by her social work with gypsy kids, who were not allowed to go to school and learn to read and write

After her masters degree in Anthropology, Meixner is convinced that you can come closer to any conclusions about a foreign culture or rather the human conditions through the methods of the arts. She is doing a lot of courses in film and photography at famous universities such as Göttingen, Rockport, Maine, at AFTRS, the Australian Film- and Televisionschool in Sydney, the ACP, Australian Center for Photography and Nida. She is writing ,directing and producing a music video clip with the famous jazz singer Leni Stern, working as a set photographer with several Australian and German film productions. Her photography is taken at many different scenes - Asia, Australia and New Zealand, different South Pacific Islands, Africa, North- and South America and Europe. Her favourite topics are the complexity of gender, the estrangement of the human being from nature and from oneself; the ambiguity of the representation of power and its fragility; the production of life as a big party; in this process she takes photos of landscape and cities which are reminding of paintings of romanticism. Her exhibitions take place mainly in Sydney (a.o. at the Goethe Institute), Cologne and Würzburg. Malerei erinnern. For her film “Out of the Womb” she gets the student Oscar for “Outstanding Achievement in Directing” by Sydney University.
Für ihren Kurzfilm „Out of the Womb“ erhält sie den „Oscar“ für Drehbuch und Regie der Sydney University.

Since several years Meixner is showing more and more digital artwork of highly intense imagination and deepness, e.g. in "Kulturspeicher" in Würzburg.


2024 group show at Tap Gallery, Australia International Womens Day 2024 at Tap gallery sydney Australia March 2024
2024 group show at Tap Gallery, Australiea "Outloud" in conjunction with sydney gay and lesbian Mardi Gras 2024 26.2.-10.3
dec. 2020 exhibition at Stoke Beach House "Rhythm is a Dancer" with live Djs Tristan Meixner and others
dec. 2020 group show at Tap Gallery "God is a DJ"
april 2020 solo exhibition at Tap Gallery "Homage to the Tree - Forest within Me"
2019 Michel gallery Würzburg Germany single exhibition
june 2018 Sydney Tap Gallery "World Wehmut II"
may 2018 Sydney, Australia, Head On Foto Festival Sydney anja meixner single exhibition "World Wehmut I"
2017 exhibition "Unbekanntes Meer - Unknown Seas" at Würzburg City hall, Bavaria, Germany
2016 exhibition "echoes in eternity" Tap Gallery, Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia
2014 community exhibition " Wild at Art" at "Wilde13" Würzburg
2014 exhibition "Terra Incognita - Ruf der Wildnis" new Photography Anja Meixner at Werkstattgalerie, Würzburger Kulturspeicher, Deutschland
2013 exhibition "Beyond Calculation", at global gallery Sydney, Australia
2012 participation at the mainART, "EMOTIONALS LANDSCAPES (how could i be so immature)", photography of Anja Meixner, at Margetshöchheim, Germany
2011 community exhibition, at galerie 2 / 6, "Schneewittchen-Metamorphosen", Anja Meixner photography and Annette Lankes mosaik
2010 exhibition "We`ll Have to Make New Love - Soft Distortions" at Werkstattgalerie, Würzburger Kulturspeicher, Deutschland
2010 exhibition "if travel is searching, ein bald verschmelzter schnee" at Rudolf-Alexander-Schröder-Haus Würzburg januar
2009 exhibition “Schau farbiger Träume“ at Ehehaltenhaus Würzburg, Germany
2008 exhibition “Against Acceleration“ at Werkstattgalerie Würzburger Kulturspeicher, Germany
2007exhibition “Idyll” in Prichsenstadt, Germany
2006exhibition preview “Idyll” in Karlstadt, Germany
2002 exhibition “The Happiest Place on Earth” at Blender Gallery, Paddington, Sydney, Australia
2002exhibition “Carlyle ´98” about the Twin Towers and the Empire State building before they were destructed, Cologne, Germany
2001 group exhibition “Men” at ACP (Australian Center for Photography), Sydney, Australia
19991.Prize and the student oscar for “Outstanding Achievement” doing the 20min. 16 mm short film “Out of the Womb” (direction, book and production), Sydney University, Australia
1999 exhibition “Millenary Love” at Sydney Goethe Institute, Sydney ,Australia, in collaboration with the annual Sydney Mardi Gras Festival
1999 exhibition “Exit” at Bauturm Gallery, Cologne, Germany
1998 exhibition “Innocence and Experience Part II “ at Alt Gallery, Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia
1998exhibition “Innocence and Experience Part I” at L´otel, Darlinghurst, Sydney, Australia
1998 group exhibition “Jesus in Austria” and “Vowel Martin” at ACP, Sydney, Australia
1995production(direction, book and production) of an experimental film about surfing “Ai-Me-You” at famous surf spots around the world, USA, South Pacific, New Zealand and Australia
1994 production (book,direction) of music video clip “Ndola Longue” with the famous jazz singer Leni Stern, Cologne, Germany and the Netherlands
1991-1994 working at Cologne Gallery “Kunstraum” with changing performance artists and painters, Germany